Puj Tub review by my pudgy baby

My first post as a mom!
Life has been pretty crazy, especially with a semi-colicky baby.
Baby Stats:
Name – Annika Karin Ramey
Age – 4.5 months
Weight – 14 lbs.
Height – omg, I just had the pediatric appointment yesterday and I cannot remember. Just found her paperwork and she’s 25.5″
Dimeanor – colicky for the first 3 months and this has been slowly tapering off. We think she’s intolerant to cow protiens and peanuts from my breast milk.
Loves – bathtime, reading, standing up, her jumper, walks, sleeping in the burley trailer while mommy rides bike, mommy and me aerobics
Hates – childcare, sleeping for more than 3 hours, getting dressed, strangers holding her
Tolerates – lying on the floor for short periods of time, car rides
The picture above is us celebrating New Years 2010.
This posting was prompted by me winning the honor of reviewing a piece of baby gear: the Puj Tub. In prior posts, I have mentioned my preference for living modestly in a minimalist environment – less stuff, more life. This is somewhat difficult to do with a baby, but we have made it work. Our apartment is a one bedroom open air loft and the only separated space is the bathroom. Annika has traded off from sleeping in a drawer with an organic mattress, next to me in bed, on her boppy pillow on an ottoman next to our bed, and in a sling that mounts to the door frame in the bathroom (where she’s napping now).

Because we have little space and my design taste leans toward clean, modern lines, I jumped at the chance to review the Puj Tub because I was already familiar with the tub after doing some pre-baby online research. Becoming parents has made my husband and I want to become engineers…there’s a huge market opportunity to design for people like us that don’t need a bunch of gear, but rather a few very functional items.

Why do I like the Puj Tub?
1 – stores by hanging flat so it can drip dry
2 – it’s white with no frilly embellishments
3 – the tub fits in any residential bathroom sink

Why the Puj Tub may not be perfect for a colicky baby?
1 – bathtime has always been Annika’s favorite activity….even when she was crying herself crazy, we could put her in the sink surrounded by warm water and she’d immediately settle down. The more immersed she was in water, the best. Since we only have a stand up shower, the sink is our only option, but whenever we have traveled with her and a bath tub has been available, she has loved bathing with us, floating on top of the water on my legs.
2 – because the Puj Tub is designed to be safe (can’t fault them for that), it allows for Annika’s bum and a little of her belly to be covered.
3 – Annika has always liked stretching out rather than sitting and the tub is condusive to a perpendicular position.

With all this being said, this is the only tub that works with our lifestyle. If Annika was more of a sponge bath baby, then it would be perfect!

Check out the Puj Tub for yourself at Puj’s new website for baby bath tubs!

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